Health and Wellness Suggestions from an Experienced Idiot
What the Hell is This All About?
The creation of this website is sort of a personal tribute to all of the pitfalls and lessons I have learned through the years. As well as collecting and displaying tons of resources that helped with the formation of my health.
Why the hell should you care?
Well, I don’t really have a good reason for that one. But I do think I have some experiences that people could potentially learn from so they don’t have to make the same mistakes I have made.
I have been skinny (sorta), overweight, had symptoms of body dysmorphia, counted every single calorie for a couple years, tried diets because of some shit Tik Tok said, did the goofy HIIT workouts, ran a half marathon, bought a weighted vest to get more out of walking outside, etc.
To say it lightly, I am obsessed with my health and have wasted A TON of time with it as well. So all I hope to do is help people save some time and effort, and find what they’re obsessed with while being as healthy as possible.